We provide the latest, leading edge advances in Science, Technology, and Research & Development to provide high value, well recognized services to our clients. Our core competencies are Intelligence Support, Interpretation & Translation, Strategic Training & Support, and Information Technology.
Our social scientists and analysts ensure integration of the latest technology in support of assigned special operations teams. At CLI Solutions, our linguists, social scientists and cultural awareness training specialists operate within an integrated and networked defense intelligence team focusing on furnishing specific actionable intelligence to our armed forces enabled through tools and training regarding culturally sensitive and significant aspects of their mission objectives.
In 2013, using our experience providing Information Technology services for commercial customers, both domestic and international, CLI Solutions began to focus on the growing Information Technology sector. Using technologically superior and innovative solutions we are able to provide not only the best alternatives but meet the goals of an organization not only now but for the coming future. Our focus on cloud deployment and services allows us to create scalable solutions that can grow to exceed initial expectations and needs.